EAPHM Newsletter April 2022

EAPHM Board Message

The dust of some big things happening in Europe is settling down but there are still things on the move. For example the challenge of emission, environment, circular animal husbandry, 
Still important to notice that FVE, FECAVA (Federation of European Companion Animal Veterinary Associations) and the WVA (World Veterinary Association) have developed a web portal to get instant access to Vets For Ukraine – Hub to coordinate aid by European veterinarians to help Ukrainian veterinarians, their families and animals.
Last week there was our first EAPHM webinar of this year, on rota virus. The recordings of this very interesting webinar will become available soon. Just keep in touch with our website http://eaphm.org. The next EAPHM webinar will be at May 19th, about the ban on Zinc Oxide” and it’s implications after June
