
Veterinary Services play a critical role in facilitating the international trade of animals and animal products by preventing the spread of diseases. In the current changing world, they face numerous challenges. To better identify and address them, the OIE Technical Item for 2020 provides an evaluation of current challenges and demonstrates how the OIE's diverse programmes are instrumental in...
Being in full summer and many of you on holiday, we wish to restate that to minimize the risk of contracting or infecting others, distance, hand hygiene and mask is the best combination of measures. Using a mask in indoor places, especially small and/or crowded and/or with poor air-conditioning is a bit annoying but a good way to reduce virus circulation. Besides, new data and reliable...
Many people compare aspects of their situation of being more isolated and working from home with days every day, full with Zoom meetings, with the movie “Groundhog Day” where every new day is indistinguishable from the former and a slow feeling of despair is taking over, as being trapped in a time loop. However, it might be useful to remind ourselves of the latter half of the film where the main...
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The escalation of the spread of African swine fever (ASF) has placed most of the world's domestic and wild pig populations under direct threat. To support countries' efforts to protect economies and food security, the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) today launch a joint initiative for the Global Control of ASF.