EAPHM Newsletter

Brussels, July 2020: The EU Farm to Fork strategy published in May sets out proposals for legislative revisions and targets to ensure a transition in Europe to a more sustainable food system. EPRUMA welcomes the ambition of the transition and highlights that the livestock sector has already made great progress in working towards the antimicrobial use target outlined.
The EAPHM AGM 2020 was held on June 25th 2020, from 18.00 to 19.30 hours. This AGM was a web-based virtual meeting due to the Covid-19 restrictions. The agenda was followed and most time was devoted to the President’s report in which the current challenges the EAPHM is facing, was explained.
Today, the EU Finance Ministers will exchange views in a remote meeting concerning the budget for Europe’s recovery post COVID-19 crisis. The Commission, the European Central Bank and the European investment bank will provide an overview of the implementation of the measures taken so far, as well as future plans related to EU’s recovery needs. The EU is drafting an EU vaccination strategy which...
Global Health: Transmitting virus in pig feed From 2014 onwards the veterinary community – as well as the worldwide feed and pork industries – started to realize that viruses were being transmitted in feed.
The EAPHM is looking for a new EAPHM Board member for the function of Secretary. This position opens in 2021 because the term in office of the current Secretary of EAPHM will end. To enable a smooth and proper transfer of activities, processes and responsibilities at the AGM in 2021, the EAPHM is currently recruiting a Secretary-elect to step into office from September 1st 2020 and to be elected...